As a result of the review of our application to EPDK with our subsidiary company for storage within the scope of the “List of Information and Documents to be Submitted in the Pre-License Application” published in the Resmi Gazete dated 19/11/2022 and numbered 32018; We received the “Storage Electricity Generation Facility Preliminary License” for our storage SPP project in Van Tuşba Yumrutepe, which will have 30 MWe electrical power.
Due to the global climate change problem, country governments have set targets for deep and binding carbon emission reduction. In the short term, electricity generation with almost zero emissions is targeted. Studies detailing potential pathways for such low-carbon futures are characterized by the significant changes required in how electricity is generated, distributed and used.
With the entry of electricity storage systems into the energy legislation of the Republic of Turkey for the first time and the issuance of pre-license for solar and wind power plants with storage, the process officially started in Turkey.
The advantages of Energy Storage Systems are as follows;
- Separability: Energy Storage Systems respond appropriately to the daily, weekly or seasonally changing load profile and demand load and work according to the need.
- Intermittent Operation: Energy Storage Systems respond rapidly to the intermittent generation profile of distributed generation units based on renewable energy such as wind and solar energy sources and fluctuations in the output power of other generation units.
- Efficiency: Energy Storage Systems minimize the losses in the charge/discharge process.
- Long life: Energy Storage Systems have a longer life than their counterparts with its advanced battery management system.
- Environmentalist: It has a more environmentally friendly and safe technology with its lithium iron phosphate battery cell.
- Power Plants: Renewable power plants, with their discontinuous structures, have variable and sometimes unpredictable generation profiles throughout the day. The biggest reason for this is that the effect of generation resources (solar, wind, hydro , etc.) on renewable energy plants is constantly variable. However, in our world where carbon emissions are tried to be reduced, Energy Storage Systems offer unique opportunities to maintain renewable energy-based generation and to ensure that less conventional power generation facilities are needed on the grid. With Energy Storage Systems, excess production can be stored during the day and used when production decreases.
- Arbitrage Options: With Energy Storage Systems, electricity can be purchased at night when the price is low, and sold when it rises.
- Demand/Capacity Control Options: Likewise, electricity purchased at night when the electricity price is low can be used during demanded hours.
- Load Switching: Grid demand values always have a duck curve diagram on the consumption side. The most striking fact is that consumption will increase relatively more during demand hours. The stored energy can be used to flatten the graph.
- Peak Smoothing: Peak smoothing is a useful option for certain periods and special uses. This option aims to correct and stabilize the relatively low energy compared to other options.
- Microgrid Option: Energy Storage Systems offer a comprehensive choice for local needs. This option is important for temporary sites such as rural areas, off-grid installations, islands, mining sites and construction sites.
- Frequency Control: Primary and secondary frequency control is important for network security. Energy Storage Systems provide trouble-free frequency control on the network.
- EV Charging Support: EV charging points are additional charges for the existing electricity grid. The energy storage option is a rational alternative in terms of preventing the negative effects of e-mobility on the grid.